KCHS is a volunteer-run organization, having only one paid staff person. Currently, more than twenty volunteers help keep the museum and the research center open each week. Volunteer hours are 10:00-4:00 Tuesday - Friday with most volunteers working only one or two days a week.Typically another 45-50 volunteers assist with special events at various times throughout the year. We value the time and expertise given by our volunteers to help us meet our mission of capturing, preserving and sharing the history of Callaway County.

Volunteers assist in a variety of capacities at both the museum and at the research center.

Typical volunteer opportunities include:

  • Clerical, bookkeeping, and data entry (obituaries, court records, volunteer hours, etc.)

  • Archival and genealogical research (court files, cemeteries, county/family histories)

  • Scanning and archiving (family and county photos and historical documents)

  • Preservation and cataloging (historical clothing, artifacts and documents)

  • Museum/gift shop worker (assist guests, window and internal displays, customer service)

  • Communications (newsletters, website, Facebook, special event flyers, etc.)

  • Special events assistance (Trivia Night, Tractor Drive, Fashion Show, Quilt Show, Silent Auction, and Holiday Baskets)

If you are interested in knowing more about volunteering, contact us at the museum/gift shop at 573-642-0570 or email museum@callawaymohistory.org for information, current opportunities and/or a volunteer application form.

KCHS Volunteers