Visit the KCHS Research Center to peruse the available material with or without assistance. If you require our assistance in genealogical research, the associated fees are listed below. Our resources include the following:
Probate records (original documents) 1821-1950
Guardianship and Incompetency cases 1821-1950
Circuit Court cases are currently being indexed
Land ownership maps originally from the gov’t, 1876, 1897, 1919, ‘33,’58, ’70,’80,’90
Birth and Death recorded information 1883-1888
Marriage Indexes 1821-1922
Obituary copies 2000-present
Obituary indexes from Auxvasse, Fulton and Mokane newspapers as well as the surrounding counties of Audrain, Boone, Cole and Montgomery.
Church histories
Cemetery locations and listing
State census 1848,’52,’56,’64,’68 and 1876
Various Civil War resource materials
The Society has compiled notebooks with photographs and newspaper clippings on a variety of historical subjects:
Synodical College
State Hospital #1
Missouri School for the Deaf
One-room schools
Westminster College
William Woods College/University
For those looking for family history information we also have individual files, compiled notebooks, and published volumes from previous research by the families or by our staff.
The Research Center is open Tuesday-Friday
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
and on the 1st Saturday of each month
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For questions about availability of specific records please contact us:
We offer additional assistance in genealogical research for the following fees:
Preliminary research – $10.00 fee for research at our facility, plus cost of copies.
In depth research – $20.00 fee plus cost of copies.
Probate & Guardianship records – $5.00 per record plus copies
Copies/scans of pages – $0.25 per page
Please remit the preliminary research fee and we will begin our search. We will notify you if we need to go to other facilities to finish our search and additional fees, if they apply.