Your Donation is Appreciated
KCHS is a member-supported 501(c)(3) organization, receiving no state or federal funding. Our staffing is primarily volunteers and we maintain a financially sound budget. We appreciate the loyal members who value Callaway counties history and wish to help us collect, preserve and share that history.
Memberships help fund our ongoing work at the Research Center of preserving and cataloging family and county photos and documents, maintaining court records, obituary files, cemetery records, and other genealogical files.
They also allow us to showcase our Callaway history at the Museum/Gift Shop and maintain our collections.
Please use the button below to make a donation to the society. You will be given a choice on the donation form as to where to direct your contribution. If you want to establish or renew a membership please use the Membership page. Otherwise please indicate your funding intention.
Thank you for your contribution. Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society is a non-profit organization pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (EIN 43-1104644). Please keep a copy of your receipt for your records.