Some Traditional Eggnog Recipes

Nancy Glenn’s Eggnog

1/2 gal. vanilla ice cream
3 jiggers bourbon
2 (or 1) jiggers rum
1 (or 2) jiggers brandy
~ Nancy Atkinson Glenn

Marcella Schuffman’s Eggnog

6 eggs, separated
1 c. sugar
1 pt. ice cream
1/4 gal. milk

Beat 6 egg yolks and add 1 cup sugar and 1 pint ice cream. Add milk and mix. Beat egg whites and pour on top. Repeat when necessary. Sprinkle top with Nutmeg.
~ Marcella Martensen Schuffman

marilyn whitehead’s eggnog

2 eggs, well beaten
1Tbsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
1 qt. milk
1 (15 oz.) can sweetened condensed milk
1 c. whipping cream, whipped

Combine condensed milk, eggs, vanilla and salt until well blended. Gradually beat in milk. Fold in whipped cream. Pour into bowl. Sprinkle with nutmeg. Makes 2 quarts.
~ Marilyn Whitehead

George washington’s Eggnog?

1 pint brandy
1/2 pint rye whiskey
1/2 pint Jamaican rum
1/4 pint sherry
12 eggs
12 tbsp. sugar
1 quart heavy cream
1 quart milk

1) Mix liquors together first. The total amount of liquor here is 38oz, about the equivalent of 19 cocktails.

2) Separate yolks and whites of eggs. Add sugar to beaten yolks and mix well.

3) Add liquor to beaten yolks, drop by drop first, and slowly beat.

4) Add cream and milk, slowly beating. You’ll notice there is a lot of slow beating here. That’s because you don’t want to turn it into whipped cream, and you don’t want to agitate the egg yellows too much. Keep them nice and raw.

5) Beat whites of eggs until stiff and fold slowly into mixture. Doing this by hand, just like George Washington would have, takes at least 7 minutes with breaks in between.

6) Let set in a cool place for several days; taste frequently.

7) Arrange for a designated driver!!

Click here for more background about this recipe.

cheers and happy holidays!