In 2020 and 2021, we celebrated Callaway County and it’s 200 years of rich history.
KCHS was proud to have representatives on the Callaway 200 Steering Committee. A variety of projects and joint activities were held to celebrate Callaway County’s 200th anniversary in 2020.
As events were put on hold during 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society held several modified events and activities to honor the 200th anniversary. On January 5, 2020, we unveiled the official Callaway 200 Quilt, carefully researched and created by 26 talented local quilters. During the fall of 2020, KCHS started a Callaway 200 Selfie/Photo Scavenger Hunt taking participants to 20 sites in Callaway County related to its history.
KCHS worked with Callaway 200 Education Committee Chair Joe Davis and the Governor’s office on a 4th-grade project celebrating the 200th anniversary with Boone, Callaway, and Cole counties titled “Looking Backward — Looking Forward.”
A Fiber Art Wall Hanging contest was postponed twice and finally held in June 2021 during the Fulton Street Fair. Two books about Callaway were created, It Happened in Callaway (2019) with Carolyn Branch as editor and Callaway Tapestries (2020) with Bruce Hackmann as editor. Both books shared bits of everyday life in Callaway County – the drama, the humor, the grit, and the love. KCHS’s August 2021 Tractor Drive and Family Farm Day at Wise Brothers Farms near Kingdom City featured 200 tractors on-site and was the finale of KCHS’s Callaway 200 activities. KCHS also sold the Callaway 200 logo items, served on the Steering Committee, created historical display boards, and coordinated the contents of the official Time Capsule to be opened in 50 years.
Stories, articles and poems from Callawegians throughout the county, written to celebrate the rich diversity of life in the past 200 years of the Kingdom of Callaway. Memories of Burre blacksmith shop, Lynwood Dairy farm, Auxvasse telephone exchange, one-room schools, log churches, hidden caves along Stinson Creek, mule trading, rodeo riding, nuclear plants and much more . Other articles tell the story of the centuries old London Church of St. Mary Aldermanbury and how it was reconstructed in Fulton as America's National Winston Churchill Musuem. Fully illustrated with wonderful vintage photographs from our archives. Produced by KCHS, Daniel Boone Regional Library and the Callaway Writers Group. Available for purchase in our Gift Shop or calling (573) 642-0570.
Stories, articles and poems from Callawegians throughout the county, written to celebrate the rich diversity of life in the past 200 years of the Kingdom of Callaway. Fully illustrated with wonderful vintage photographs from the archives of the Kingdom of Callaway Historical Society, This is a follow-up to It Happened in Callaway with all new stories and photos. Available for purchase in our Gift Shop or calling (573) 642-0570.
Callaway 200 Quilt
Official Callaway 200 keepsake quilt, maintained by KCHS; 25 blocks depicting various aspects of our county’s heritage; created by local quilters.
Traveling Historical Exhibit
Historical panels and information are available to travel to various communities, events, schools, etc. to share Callaway’s rich history.
Governor’s 4th-grade history project and assistance to teachers in Callaway schools, as requested.
Thanks to the Callaway 200 Steering Committee
Front row: John Bell and Susan Grant Krumm, co-chairs
Middle row: (l-r) Hanna Thomas, Diane Burre Ludwig, Nancy Lewis, Barbara Huddleston, Lisa Martin, and Renee Stack Graham
Back row: (l-r) Tyler Oberlag, Doc (Donald) Kritzer, Stacy Maskey, Bruce Hackmann, Bryant Liddle and Joe Davis
Not pictured: Kelly Borman, David Crane, Joe Holt, Blaine McQuaid Pestle, Don Soph, Jeff Stone, Tamara Tateosian and Marty Wilson