Callaway Then and Now — Postcards from the Past

Postcards enjoyed great popularity in the early decades of the 20th century, offering an easy, inexpensive way to stay in touch with family and friends. In celebration of Callaway 200, volunteers at KCHS have pulled postcards and photos from the past and paired them with photos from the same site present day along with a brief history of the location. Some of the locations featured include various views of Court Street through the years, as well as First Christian Church, First Presbyterian Church, Fulton Country Club and Fulton Telephone Exchange.

Learn about the history behind many of Callaway County’s landmarks. And many descriptions include interesting facts about our communities and county.

Did you know …

  • that since 2004 much of Fulton’s downtown has been included on the National Register of Historic Places, the federal government’s official list of historically significant sites?

  • there used to be a steeple on the First Presbyterian Church?

  • that Jones Hall on William Woods campus was rebuilt after an explosion in 1956?

Visit our Callaway Then and Now page for a complete list. And continue to check back regularly as we will continue to add locations.

If you have postcards or photos with scenes from Callaway County, we would enjoy adding a scanned image to our collection. Feel free to share with us at or 573-642-0570.

Nancy Lewis